CHS Bell Ringers

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I think that halloween is evil, but being a Christian I believe most people just celebrate halloween because of the candy. I think halloween should be celebrated better than it is normally now. I like dressing up and scaring little kids, but it is not nice. That is just mean, but I now know that the celebration of halloween is coming to an end. Sooooo Happy Haloweeeeeen

Monday, October 30, 2006

1. By using your mouse
2. By using cut and paste
3. click insert
4. Go to window, split
5. go to file, print previews
6. go to view, spell check

Friday, October 27, 2006

Word VS Excel

Well both of them is the same, because they just are. I am good at both the same. They are so easy and easy to use. So both of them are the same to me

The End

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Do I believe in exicution? Well yes I sure do, because if that someone he, or she killed someone in your family you would want them to feel the pain you felt. Well people don't realy give a crap if they die, so I changed my mind I think they should be stuck behind bars forever. Well That is what I believe.

OK Bye

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

If I was invisible I would sneak into the movies, and beat u people that I couldn't before and all the people in the would be the first to be slaped. maybe a few of them I wouldn't hit but most of them I wouldn't. My disadvantage would be able to play with my brother.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Today is red ribbon week. We are wearing red ribbons. Na yall know that this is stupid , what is the point of it. This is a website where we are supposed to share your feelings with the world.
well here is my feelings. I don't like any of this. Especially this,well Bye

Monday, October 23, 2006

Well the the class was really good except for a few people. Some people were standing up, acting crazy and, also like they dont have any manners. The teacher was nice I think she was the nicest person we had so far. The last teacher we had was mean, she wouldn't even let us get on the SC site after you allready told us we could. But this teacher was nice to the class unless they acted up but she didn't have to get mad at us much. So that is how Friday went.

You = Teacher